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Mobile App Development

Course Length and Fees
3 Months
PKR 30,000/-
Course Timeline
Project Setup
1 Week
Java / Koltin
1 Week
Swift / Swift 5
2 Weeks
React Native
2 Weeks
Dart Lang
2 Weeks
API Integration
1 Week
Firebase Setup
1 Week
3 Weeks
Mobile Application Development Course
Course Length and Fees
Zehsan Musawar

Zehsan Musawar

Lead Web Developer
Experienced professionals with expertise in Mobile App Development will lead the course, providing insights, guidance, and mentorship throughout the learning journey.

Course Outline:

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of mobile app development. The curriculum covers essential technologies and frameworks including Flutter, Java/Kotlin, Swift/Swift 5, React Native, Dart, API integration, and Firebase setup. Students will learn how to build robust and responsive mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms.

Session 1:

  • Overview of mobile app development
  • Understanding the mobile development landscape (iOS, Android, Cross-platform)

Session 2:

  • Setting up the development environment
  • Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub

Session 3:

  • Introduction to Dart programming language
  • Basic syntax, variables, and data types

Session 4:

  • Control structures and functions in Dart
  • Object-oriented programming concepts

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Writing basic Dart programs

Session 1:

  • Introduction to Flutter framework
  • Setting up Flutter environment

Session 2:

  • Understanding Flutter widgets and the widget tree
  • Building your first Flutter app

Session 3:

  • Layouts in Flutter: Containers, Rows, and Columns
  • Styling and theming in Flutter

Session 4:

  • Handling user input and forms in Flutter
  • State management basics

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a basic Flutter application

Session 1:

  • Navigation and routing in Flutter
  • Working with lists and grids

Session 2:

  • Networking in Flutter: HTTP requests and JSON parsing
  • Persistent storage with SQLite and shared preferences

Session 3:

  • Animations and gestures in Flutter
  • Custom widgets and complex UI components

Session 4:

  • Integrating third-party libraries and plugins
  • Debugging and testing Flutter applications

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Creating a feature-rich Flutter app

Session 1:

  • Overview of Android development
  • Setting up Android Studio

Session 2:

  • Introduction to Java for Android
  • Basic syntax, classes, and objects

Session 3:

  • Introduction to Kotlin for Android
  • Kotlin basics and interoperability with Java

Session 4:

  • Building simple Android apps with Java
  • Activities, intents, and lifecycles

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Developing a basic Android app using Java/Kotlin

Session 1:

  • Advanced UI design: Layouts, styles, and themes
  • Handling user inputs and form validations

Session 2:

  • Networking in Android: HTTP, Retrofit, and JSON parsing
  • Data storage and SQLite database

Session 3:

  • Background tasks and services
  • Working with notifications

Session 4:

  • Advanced Kotlin features: Coroutines, extension functions, and higher-order functions

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a feature-rich Android application using Kotlin

Session 1:

  • Overview of iOS development
  • Setting up Xcode and iOS development environment

Session 2:

  • Introduction to Swift programming language
  • Basic syntax, variables, and data types

Session 3:

  • Control structures, functions, and classes in Swift
  • Understanding iOS app architecture

Session 4:

  • Building simple iOS apps with Swift
  • Storyboards, view controllers, and UI elements

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Developing a basic iOS app using Swift

Session 1:

  • Advanced UI design: Auto Layout and constraints
  • Working with tables and collection views

Session 2:

  • Networking in iOS: URLSession, Alamofire, and JSON parsing
  • Data persistence with Core Data

Session 3:

  • Handling user inputs and gestures
  • Animations and transitions in iOS

Session 4:

  • Integrating third-party libraries and SDKs
  • Debugging and testing iOS applications

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a feature-rich iOS application using Swift

Session 1:

  • Overview of React Native
  • Setting up React Native environment

Session 2:

  • Introduction to JavaScript and JSX
  • React components and state management

Session 3:

  • Building simple React Native apps
  • Navigation and routing in React Native

Session 4:

  • Handling user input and forms in React Native
  • Styling and layout with Flexbox

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Developing a basic cross-platform app using React Native

Session 1:

  • Networking in React Native: Fetch API and Axios
  • State management with Redux

Session 2:

  • Handling animations and gestures in React Native
  • Integrating third-party libraries and native modules

Session 3:

  • Debugging and testing React Native applications
  • Performance optimization techniques

Session 4:

  • Publishing apps to Google Play Store and Apple App Store

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a feature-rich cross-platform app using React Native

Session 1:

  • Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Consuming APIs in mobile applications

Session 2:

  • Building a backend service with Node.js/Express
  • Creating and testing API endpoints

Session 3:

  • Authentication and authorization in mobile apps
  • Implementing JWT-based authentication

Session 4:

  • Real-time data with WebSockets
  • Integrating push notifications

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Integrating backend services into mobile applications

Session 1:

  • Introduction to Firebase
  • Setting up Firebase in mobile projects

Session 2:

  • Firebase Authentication
  • Realtime Database and Firestore

Session 3:

  • Firebase Cloud Storage
  • Implementing Firebase Cloud Functions

Session 4:

  • Analytics and Crashlytics
  • Performance monitoring with Firebase

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a cloud-connected mobile application with Firebase

Session 1:

  • Planning and starting the final project
  • Individual work on final projects

Session 2:

  • Project development with instructor guidance
  • Peer collaboration and feedback

Session 3:

  • Finalizing and testing projects
  • Preparing for project presentations

Session 4:

  • Project presentations and peer reviews
  • Q&A and course recap

Session 5:

  • Course review, final assessments, and certificate distribution
  • Access to development tools and software
  • Sample code snippets and project templates
  • Step-by-step guides and tutorials

By the end of this course, students will be proficient in developing mobile applications using Flutter, Java/Kotlin, Swift/Swift 5, and React Native. They will understand how to integrate APIs and backend services, use Firebase for cloud-based functionality, and build robust, cross-platform mobile applications.

Digstep logo on white background, featuring sleek design and modern typography.

Working Hours

Monday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Sunday Closed

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