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Afzal Plaza, 2nd Floor High Street Sahiwal

Web Development

Course Length and Fees
3 Months
PKR 30,000/-
Course Timeline
1 Week
1 Week
2 Weeks
Bootstrap 5
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
1 Week
3 Weeks
Learn Web Development Course
Course Length and Fees
Umar Draz

Umar Draz

Lead Web Developer
Experienced professionals with expertise in Web Development will lead the course, providing insights, guidance, and mentorship throughout the learning journey.

Course Outline:

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of web development, covering essential technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap 5, PHP, and MySQL. Students will learn how to build dynamic and responsive websites from scratch, manage databases, and develop full-stack applications.

Session 1:

  • Overview of web development
  • Understanding the web development stack (front-end, back-end, full-stack)

Session 2:

  • Setting up the development environment
  • Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub

Session 3:

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • Basic structure of an HTML document

Session 4:

  • HTML5 elements and attributes
  • Creating and structuring web pages

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a basic HTML5 webpage

Session 1:

  • HTML5 semantic elements
  • Forms and form elements

Session 2:

  • Multimedia elements (audio, video, canvas)
  • HTML5 APIs (geolocation, local storage)

Session 3:

  • Introduction to CSS3
  • CSS syntax and selectors

Session 4:

  • Styling text, colors, and backgrounds
  • Box model and layout concepts

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Creating and styling a multi-page website

Session 1:

  • Advanced selectors and combinators
  • Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements

Session 2:

  • Responsive web design principles
  • Media queries

Session 3:

  • Flexbox layout
  • Building responsive layouts with Flexbox

Session 4:

  • CSS Grid layout
  • Creating complex grid-based layouts

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a responsive webpage using Flexbox and Grid

Session 1:

  • Overview of JavaScript
  • Setting up and running JavaScript in the browser

Session 2:

  • JavaScript syntax and basic constructs (variables, data types, operators)

Session 3:

  • Control structures (conditionals, loops)
  • Functions and scope

Session 4:

  • Arrays and objects
  • Manipulating data with JavaScript

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building interactive web elements with JavaScript

Session 1:

  • Advanced JavaScript concepts (closures, higher-order functions, callbacks)

Session 2:

  • Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Selecting and manipulating DOM elements

Session 3:

  • Event handling in JavaScript
  • Creating dynamic and interactive web pages

Session 4:

  • Introduction to ES6 features (let/const, arrow functions, template literals)

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a dynamic web application with JavaScript and DOM manipulation

Session 1:

  • Overview of Bootstrap framework
  • Setting up Bootstrap in your project

Session 2:

  • Bootstrap Grid system
  • Building responsive layouts with Bootstrap

Session 3:

  • Bootstrap components (navbars, cards, forms, modals)

Session 4:

  • Customizing Bootstrap with CSS and utility classes

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Creating a responsive website using Bootstrap 5

Session 1:

  • Overview of server-side scripting with PHP
  • Setting up a local development environment (XAMPP, WAMP)

Session 2:

  • PHP syntax and basic constructs
  • Working with variables and data types

Session 3:

  • Control structures in PHP (conditionals, loops)
  • Functions in PHP

Session 4:

  • Working with forms in PHP
  • Handling form submissions and user input

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a simple dynamic website with PHP

Session 1:

  • Working with arrays and strings in PHP
  • File handling in PHP

Session 2:

  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Setting up and connecting to a MySQL database

Session 3:

  • Database design principles

Session 4:

  • Interacting with MySQL using PHP (mysqli and PDO)
  • Performing CRUD operations

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a PHP application with MySQL integration

Session 1:

  • Integrating front-end and back-end
  • Creating dynamic content with PHP and MySQL

Session 2:

  • User authentication and authorization
  • Session management in PHP

Session 3:

  • Form validation and error handling
  • Securing web applications

Session 4:

  • AJAX and asynchronous data loading
  • Building interactive web applications with JavaScript and PHP

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Developing a full-stack web application

Session 1:

  • Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Consuming APIs with JavaScript (fetch, axios)

Session 2:

  • Building RESTful APIs with PHP
  • Creating endpoints and handling requests

Session 3:

  • Advanced database interactions (joins, indexes, transactions)
  • Optimizing database queries

Session 4:

  • Introduction to modern JavaScript frameworks (overview)
  • Integrating front-end frameworks with PHP back-end

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a full-stack application with API integration

Session 1:

  • Planning and designing a full-stack web application
  • Setting up the project structure and environment

Session 2:

  • Implementing front-end and back-end features
  • Integrating third-party services and APIs

Session 3:

  • Testing and debugging the application
  • Ensuring security and performance optimization

Session 4:

  • Deploying the web application to a live server
  • Setting up domain and hosting

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Finalizing and deploying your web application

Session 1:

  • Final project planning and kickoff
  • Individual work on final projects

Session 2:

  • Project development with instructor guidance
  • Peer collaboration and feedback

Session 3:

  • Finalizing and testing projects
  • Preparing for project presentations

Session 4:

  • Project presentations and peer reviews
  • Q&A and course recap

Session 5:

  • Course review, final assessments, and certificate distribution
  • Access to development tools and software
  • Sample code snippets and project templates
  • Step-by-step guides and tutorials

By the end of this course, students will be able to create dynamic, responsive, and fully functional web applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap 5, PHP, and MySQL. They will have a solid understanding of both front-end and back-end development and be prepared to tackle real-world web development projects.

Digstep logo on white background, featuring sleek design and modern typography.

Working Hours

Monday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Sunday Closed

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